Thursday, 15 March 2007

It's a Whole New world

Wow this is addictive and I am not just talking about the wine that accompanies these blogging sessions.

In my first 24 hours as a blogger I have managed to post some background articles, work my way around changing the template and gather some photos.

Has anyone ever watched the film with Meg Ryan called "You've got Mail" well I am now logging onto my computer and waiting for "You've got Comments"!

Whilst not essential I really want to experience the power of the web personally. It fascinates me that anyone - literally anyone from anywhere - could stumble across my Blog and learn about my life. I am sure others want to be read for far more nobler causes but I am just very curious.

As I am new to the world of blogging I have no idea how long that generally takes so I guess I will just have to keep logging on like an addict.

Is blogging the new therapy, my mind was buzzing last night with all the things I want to write. Gone were the normal worries of my ever smelly fosse septique, my child coping with having to be bi-lingual, collating paper for a dossier required by some French organisation (I always seem to have one on the go)!

I am finding it all fascinating and can see that the light from my PC will be burning into the small hours.

That reminds me, better stock up on the old vino!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Well here is your first comment !

I'm Peter who runs a local community website for anglophones in Languedoc.

I'm a bit worried - how can you exceed an exciting trip, new house, new baby in future ?

Please use my forum at :

You'll find more newcomers, new babies, attacks on bureaucracy, and lots of local info.

à bientôt
