Monday 2 June 2008

We've got the builders in!

Have been neglecting my blog recently as "we've got the builders in".

Reading and taking advice from plenty of ex-pats, who have completed or are undertaking building projects, I made sure I had the following before project start date:

Signed and approved plans
Building permission
A signed Devis pour le Travaux
Bottle of Aspirin
Plenty of tea bags

All ready to go I thought to myself and to be fair the first few days went well and then: .........

The main guy started making alternative decisions to those on the plans
Sitemeetings are not quotidienne, but on the fly with client neither included or informed
The signed Devis it seems has to be now more than flexible
I have run out of aspirin
Most upsetting of all I have run out of my Yorkshire teabags

All advice welcome about how to survive this - have another 2 months to go.


Oh and don't get me started about the rain!!!!

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