Friday 25 April 2008

Je t'aime

My soon to be 4 year old is in love. "Je t'aime", he says about a hundred times a day to his petite amie Romane. I am not sure if it is sweet or precocious!

We have recently had the halfterm holiday and the saying goodbye to each other at the end of the day has gone from peck on the cheek to a long cuddle, kisses on cheeks and lots of Je t'aime and I love yous.

His petite amie lives in a house in the centre of the village, complete with balcony, and the two have amused many a patron at the café opposite with their Romeo and Juliet styled partings.

Should Théo be having any type of hissy fit during breakfast, I only have to mention that we might be late for school, where his petite amie will be awaiting, and before you can count un, deux, trois he is reaching for his back pack and heading for the car.

Could get his heart broken at such a tender age.

This has all taken me by suprise as I thought first loves of this kind happened when you got to 8yrs old+. Help - got any advice???

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