Tomorrow is April Fools day and in France it is customary to give your friends little chocolate fish or play the classic April Fools Day trick which is to stick a paper fish on someone's back. The unfortunate victim is then taunted with the phrase "Poisson d'Avril", or "April Fish".
Who says the French don't have a sense of humour!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Poisson d'avril - Why is there a fish on my back?
Friday, 28 March 2008
President Sarkozy visiting the UK
Wow! Spoken like a man head over heels in love.
"I am proud that people have seen her for what she is."
"I think she has been an honour to our country, not simply because of the way she looks, but beyond that everyone understands and has seen a woman who has beliefs, sensitivity, who is a humane person.
"Those sensitivities, those beliefs, this humanity, are what contribute to Carla's elegance."
However, as it is Sarkozy who is the President and the politician just how relevant is "who she really is", or "her beliefs".
I think we are much more interested in his beliefs and who he really is, n'est-ce pas?
Monday, 17 March 2008
Hot Cross Buns
This Easter I am inviting friends around for an Easter Tea. After everyone has run around the garden to see what the Easter Bunny has left for them I will be bringing out the Hot Cross Buns. My mouth is watering as I type this. I just love the sweet, spicy taste and with a cup of Yorkshire tea - mmmmm - perfect.
I help one of my neighbours with his English homework and in his English Course book from collège, under Traditional English Songs, they had this gem:
Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns
One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns
If you have no daughters, give them to your sons
One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns Hot cross buns.
Does anyone remember singing that?
Anyway, whatever calorific treats you are having a Happy Easter to all or as they say it here -Joyeuses Pâcques!
Monday, 10 March 2008
Frrrreeezing France
I left for a trip to London on 3rd March, weather was sunny and 20 °C. Flew in yesterday to 9 °C and rain! Where is the sun? Our unusually warm Feb had me packing up Winter and getting fully into Printemps.
Oh well a few bracing walks are needed; as always I caught up with all my friends over boozy evenings. With bacon butties to cure the hangovers and huge Starbucks lattes I need to shift a pound or so.
Oh I love the odd visit to Old Blighty.