Tuesday, 11 September 2007

La Rentrée - (with junk mail)

Back in May I put the finishing touches to my school dossier,(yes another one!), to ensure that my son was enrolled for maternelle.

In our village La Rentrée actually takes place during the last week of August as the children here do not go to school on Saturday mornings.

So far, all has gone well - although why shouldn't it when according to my son all he does is play velo! I am sure there must be slightly more to his day than that.

Whilst I expect the normal school notices of after school activities what I can't believe is the amount of publicity that goes into all the pigeon holes. All sorts of leaflets about childrens reading books, language courses, back packs, bedding. I get enough junk mail in my normal boîtes aux lettres at home.

I am thinking of putting a huge notice up, alongside the rather cute painting of a lapin that marks out Théo's place, saying Pas de Pub - NO JUNK MAIL.